Pay in Advance


We have got used to booking a parking space at the airport when we go on holiday. Whether it is at an offsite long stay or closer to the airport in mid and short stay, we are still going on online, booking a space and driving into the car park. It is a simple process that removes the anxiety of having to find a space during a time that is already stressful. I know that if I go to a particular car park I am guaranteed to get a space.

Its great for me, but it is also great for you as operators. I know I have a space, and you know who is in your car parks and how long they will be there for. You also get the revenue up front. This is very common in airports and now is the perfect time to utilise this technology in other areas. Any car park can benefit from a pay in advance solution. And it is not necessarily prebooking. Using subscriptions for regular customers, integrating into 3rd party solutions for defined products such and dine and park, or theatre and park all means that your customers know they have a space, and, you know who is in your car parks.

Pay in advance will improve the customer experience and remove the hassle. Extend you customer reach, increase your customer convenience and boost your customer visibility.


  • Bring Your Parking Online
    Increase your visibility, occupancy, and revenue. Creating a webshop for your car parks means that your car parks have a presence online. Increase the visibility of your entire estate. Allowing your customers to book a space online in all of your car parks will also increase the occupancy by opening up another service for your customers. Adding reservations means an increase in revenue.
  • Know Your Customers
    Adding an online reservations presence to your estate means more of your customers can book a space in any and all of your car parks. This means you will know who your customers are, when they will be arriving and how long they are likely to stay for. You will have their details as they become registered users. Know who they are, know their parking patterns.
  • Market and Sell Via Web and Mobile
    Having your customers data means that you can market and sell to those customers. Once you know their patterns – where they park, how often and for how long – you can push messaging to them. Send promo codes and discounts, encourage subscriptions, and promote your car parks easily.

Simple Solution

  1. Reservations
    Pre-book spaces online by selecting the location, date and time. Add the selection to the shopping basket, checkout and get a booking confirmation via email.
  1. Subscriptions
    Pre-paid subscriptions configurable in months or days with automatic renewals available.
  1. Pre-Defined Products
    Book pre-defined products such as – Weekend Special Ticket, Dinner and Theatre Ticket, Daytrip Ticket.

Benefits for you

  • Available across all devices, the user interface maximises the usability for your customers. With etickets you get complete integration with Apple and Google Wallet assures ticket is easily accessible and presented to the reading device in the best way possible.
  • Seamless integration enables your customers to enter the parking booking journey without hassle. Build your very individual look and feel and easily integrate into your web presence. The interface is completely customisable. Build dedicated webshops to be your preferred look and feel. It is easily configured with full preview before going live. Each webshop can have identical or completely different branding.
  • Pay In Advance is enabled across multiple facilities so a single e-commerce solution will cover hundreds of facilities. With one registration, your customers can book in any of your facilities, keeping customers in your ecosystem.

Benefits for your customers

    • Pay in Advance your will increase customer convenience. With an intuitive do it yourself booking and payment solution, the webshop is ready to use on every device giving your customers easy access to your car parks.
    • A simple booking journey enables your customers to know they have a space in your car park before they have left the house. Offer subscriptions for regular customers to have prepaid parking based on time or number of sessions.
    • A completely flexible solution giving your customers control over their parking requirements.



    Completely configurable, customisable and brandable web presence. Your shop window for all of your car parks, your reservations and your subscriptions.

    Hosted Platform

    Hosted in redundant data centres, the ecommerce platform is your dedicated solution ready when your customers are. Integrated fully with the payments platform for a true, one stop shop.


    The SKIDATA parking software is the core of every car park. The Pay In Advance platform is the only e-commerce solution completely integrated into Parking.Logic. Once the reservation or subscription is confirmed, the details will automatically be configured onsite. There is nothing for you to do.

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